Neues von Bosko und Honey

Begonnen von Uketeufel, 24. Dez 2008, 13:48:52

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Neues von Bosko und Honey aus Australien:
Dear Uketeufel
Here is our latest update.


Well, we are finally back in Australia (and online!).
Back in the rainforest of Kuranda, we are looking forward to a tropical festive season with friends and family...

Here are two appropriately Christmassy videos for you...

The first is a music video we shot in Japan...
It is from Gensblue - a terrific guy, performer and new best friend.
Gens-san utilizes a unique \\\"walking bass\\\" style - unlikely to have been attempted to such a degree before with ukulele...

The second you may have seen before, posted by KEONEPAX on YouTube.
We joined the lovely John Pak for the second time in Japan to record a Christmas tune, and he even did the editing - what a treat!

So, we are gradually getting settled again, and will be back editing more Safari videos just as soon as Santa heads back north...

Until then, we hope you enjoy the videos and have a great holiday!
Ich bin ein Prootcher!


wow! der medley von gensblue ist ja mal cool... geht ja doch was auf der ukulele  :mrgreen:

Mike von D

Na das ist ja mal ein echter Lichtblick, eine völlig neue Art eine LowG Ukulele zu spielen.

ich sach nur: WAHNSINN


Floyd Blue

Soviel zum Thema: Basslinien auf der Ukulele... unglaublich, fantastisch


Wow. Klasse! Da sieht man mal wieder was alles mit der Uke möglich ist -- eine tolle Weihnachts-Überraschung :)


Dear Uketeufel
Here is our latest update.


It is impossible to describe how wonderful it was for us to be able to travel the world this past year -3 continents and 12 countries over 11 months...

We both look back with real gratitude, and we are amazed that such a crazy idea actually succeeded in becoming reality...

It might be obvious to some, but you know, people are truly, really wonderful!
Everywhere we went we found such kindness, interest and... optimism.
Is it the ukulele? Is it us? Is it the wonders of our privilege of instant communication via the internet?
We made many friends... sometimes we could not speak the same language, often we were from completely different backgrounds, yet we shared the intimacies of familiarity and friendship.

We worked hard to save for this trip, but we would not have been able to do it without the real support of family, friends, and these same people we met along the way - you know who you are!
You invited us into your home and fed us... perhaps you bought our CD... or watched our videos and enjoyed them... you donated... you came to our performances and clapped and said hi afterwards or even asked us to sign your ukulele case!
We\\\'re very, very grateful to you all for these and many other manifestations of kindness and trust...

We honestly do not know what 2009 will bring - we have some ideas of general direction, but really we are happy to let it develop a bit later (perhaps once the Safari Videos are completed!)

It may be 2009, but the Ukulele Safari continues!

We wish you All the Very Best,
Happy New Year!

Bosko and Honey

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Bosco & Honey sind wieder zurück in der Heimat in Australien und schicken uns ihr wunderbares Video vom Festival in Groß-Umstadt. Jaaaa, du kommst auch drin vor!

Verbunden mit herzlichen Grüßen an alle, die Bosco & Honey hier kennen gelernt haben. Ein zweites Video soll später folgen.
Ich bin ein Prootcher!


Und hier ist der dritte Teil:

Und der zweite Teil als Nachtrag, es ist ein Interview mit Dennis Teeth von den Hot Potatoes Syncopators:
Ich bin ein Prootcher!


Here is our latest update.

We\\\'re sending out this email to everyone on our mailing list to let you all know how we\\\'re doing.

Life back in Kuranda is very pleasant. The weather is perfect this time of year, and we\\\'ve managed to emerge from the cyclone season unscathed. We\\\'re living in a small and cheap apartment,  both working hard to save some money for another project - yes, we\\\'ve decided we want to continue the Ukulele Safari...
Bosko is slowly catching up on editing the 2008 videos, and the next ones will be of our return to Japan last September, with a number of shared songs to look forward to. Then we\\\'ll start filling in the gaps: all those people and places we skipped over will be edited with our increased experience and skill to make it worth the wait!
This includes episodes from the USA, Europe and the UK, as well as from our first time in Japan (which is over a year ago now!)

We\\\'re also busy creating a showreel of the Safari project, which we\\\'ll be pitching to producers who may be interested in working with us to turn the Safari 2008 (or the next one) into commissioned television content and/or a DVD series.
While we feel this is certainly within the realm of possibility, we are also completely satisfied if the Safari never leaves YouTube (and our memories)!

It\\\'s also timely and exciting that it\\\'s now official: there will be a ukulele festival held here in Cairns next year!
It\\\'s called CAIRNS UKEFEST 2010, and will be on the 3rd and 4th of July right here in Tropical North Queensland!
This will be the first major ukulele festival held in Australia, and is being run as a non-profit organisation with the full support of the local council. Right now they\\\'re in the process on securing the funding and sponsorship needed to create what will hopefully be a major event and attraction to the area.
We\\\'ll be helping out in various ways, and are very excited to be involved. More news as it comes to hand....

As some of you may know, the sad news surfaced late last week that ukulele virtuoso John King has passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. We feel a real and deep sadness, having met John twice and experienced his good-natured warmth and sublime music. He continues to be an inspiration to us and countless others, as testified to by the huge number of online messages and tributes flowing all over the world. Bosko has written some more about John in his blog.

If you haven\\\'t visited our website or YouTube page for a while, here are some videos you may have missed:

Our visit to the Aquila string factory in Vicenza, Italy, where you see the incredible process of making real gut strings:

Our coverage of the European Ukulele Festival in Germany:
episode 1 (mainly performances)
episode 2 (an amusing short interview)
episode 3 (some interviews and plenty of beer-drinking)

A shared song and interview with the incredible Kamatetsu in Tokyo:

And a Music Video we shot here in Kuranda for a ukulele visitor from Japan, Hirasakana Oyogu:

We hope you enjoy them, and please visit us at anytime, and drop us an email whenever the urge takes you!

Bosko and Honey
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Here is our latest update.

This is another mailout to members of Bosko & Honey\\\'s website...

For a while we have been wanting to give members some kind of benefit for their membership, and now we can...

Do not get too excited, but for the ukulele players among you we have created a \\\"Ukulele Tips\\\" page.
Although it is located in the main menu, you will have to \\\"log in\\\" to access the contents... a treasure trove of secret ukulele knowledge awaits you!
Actually, not exactly... but there is one \\\"lesson\\\" there!
It is a fretboard map and explanation that will give you the tools to be able to find and play ANY major, minor or dominant 7 chord... each of them in five (5!) different positions... and all without even glancing at a chord book!
Or at least it will with a bit of practice...

Anyway, we intend to upload video tips and other bits and pieces in the future, just things that have been helpful to us, and might be to you...
so feel free to check it out if you\\\'re that way inclined (remember to log in):

Bosko & Honey
Ich bin ein Prootcher!


Dear Uketeufel
Here is our latest update.
In case you have not seen them, here are three very different Ukulele Safari episodes from Japan you might like:

1. An original instrumental collaboration with Gensblue in Yokohama

2. An original ukulele-themed song written by Nyaomi (of Taka&Nyaomi) especially for the Safari, in Tokyo

3. And a different approach to the Safari shared song... a Daisy Dobuyuki original recorded in Chiba

We hope you enjoy them!

More \\\"Ukulele Tips\\\" coming soon!

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Dear Uketeufel
Here is our latest update.

This is a mail out to all Bosko and Honey subscribers!

Well, we are nicely settled into life back home, and are already concocting our next project (you are among the first to know!):

We are planning for early February until the end of April 2010, and hope to circumnavigate the country visiting uke players, clubs and makers.
This time we plan to:
- travel in a camper-van or motor-home (the safari-mobile!)
- fly two ukulele performer friends from two different countries (you know them from Safari 2008!) to Australia to join us as co-hosts and fellow travellers!
- produce the Australian Ukulele Safari for the Web, DVD, CD and TV!

We are obviously really excited, and have done some math showing that if we work really hard from today till the end of January 2010, we will be able to save the money needed to fund this project...
Of course, we will also try to secure support, sponsorship and funding, but we wanted to know if it were possible to self-fund before we put out word!
Bosko is gonna work 7 days a week and draw LOTS of caricatures!!!

So, if you live in Australia, and want to be part of a Ukulele Safari 2010, please contact us!

In other news, the Cairns Ukulele Festival scheduled for July next year has undergone some administrative changes, resulting in Bosko and Honey no longer being directly involved.
See our post here: for more details, and a link to the Official Festival Website.

What else?
Oh, Bosko turned 40, and we had a lovely trip to Melbourne visiting family and friends... and we even got some ukulele action in...

The latest Safari 2008 video is an interview with Tony and Margaret, the Canadian filmmakers who have almost completed their documentary MIGHTY UKE...
The interview took place in Tokyo:

There are many more Safari 2008 episodes to come, and Bosko just hopes he finishes them before the next Safari begins!!!!

Much Love,
Bosko and Honey
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Dear Uketeufel
Here is our latest update.

Yet another newsletter to all Bosko & Honey subscribers!

Well, we are slowly getting on with the business of conceiving and organising UKULELE SAFARI AUSTRALIA 2010...

We can now confirm the 2 international guests who will be joining us as co-hosts:
SEESO from Chicago...
and most recently, GENSBLUE from Tokyo!

It is really exciting because these guys are both great performers and personalities, and also have very contrasting styles - the music we make together is going to be extremely interesting, and the travelling is going to be FUN!

We have made a start contacting uke clubs and groups, and are also looking for individuals who may like to receive a visit from the Safari crew. Anyone who would like to participate in any way (to have us perform/conduct a workshop etc, or to be interviewed/do a shared song - or just to meet!) is most welcome to contact us. Also, if you know of anyone anywhere in the country who may not be aware of the project, or have a suggestion for someone to visit, we\\\'d be very grateful for any help you can give!

Our latest brain wave is the possibility of doing the Safari in a small bus - so other players/performers can hitch a ride and come along with us for a while! We hope this eventuates, as it would really be something! It just depends on finding and being able to afford the right vehicle.

In other Australian news, the Inaugural MELBOURNE UKULELE FESTIVAL has been announced, and will run from the 26th of February till the 2nd of March next year. The Ukulele Safari crew will be playing on the opening night! Please visit the Melbourne Ukulele Kollective website for all the details:

Also, Ray Gurney of Sydney is putting together a CALENDAR of AUSTRALIAN UKE GATHERINGS, together with a blog and YouTube channel, under the banner of \\\"UkeOz\\\"...
Links here:

And finally, the latest Ukulele Safari 2008 videos:
A shared song with TARASUNA (check out his beautiful pineapple 8-string!) in Nagano, Japan:
Ravel\\\'s \\\"Pavane pour une infante défunte\\\" performed by DA-IMA in Tokyo:
and a shared song with HAPPY HOPPY in Chiba, Japan:

We hope you enjoy them!

Thanks for reading, watching and being a member of our website!

Hope to hear from you... and, as always, much love!
Bosko and Honey

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Dear Uketeufel
Here is our latest update.

This is a brief update concerning everyone on our mailing list.


YOU may be able to join us on UKULELE SAFARI AUSTRALIA 2010!

\\\"JOIN THE SAFARI\\\" Ukulele Video Contest.

Thanks to our Sponsors DaSilva Ukulele Co. and Kiwaya, we are able to announce a ukulele video contest... the winner of which will be flown to Australia to attend the Melbourne Ukulele Festival, and will be able to join us on Safari to Tasmania... from anywhere in the world!
This is a pre-contest announcement, and you will be able to register and enter soon.

Read more about the Contest here:

Read about Ukulele Safari Oz here:

We are SO excited!

Bosko & Honey

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ear Uketeufel
Here is our latest update.
For all the ukulele players out there:

Win a trip to Australia!

Join-the-Safari Video Contest is now open...
So read the rules and conditions, make your video and enter for a chance to attend the 2010 Melbourne Ukulele Festival, and join us on Safari to Tasmania!

Everything you need to know can be found here:

We\\\'re really looking forward to watching some great videos!

Good luck, and lots of love...
B and H
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